Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is Common Courtesy Really That COMMON Anymore?

I fathom over this question every day as I ride the bus and train to and from my daily destinations. I observe the behavior of children (grade school and high school ages) & wonder (to be frank)...WTF? To be honest, some of these children act like animals!

I listen to the foul language coming out of their mouths (which we cursed when I was younger, but most of us didn't dare let an adult hear us) and there's just no respect, for those around them or themselves for that matter. Buses are crowded and they are pushing through passengers without an "excuse me", "sorry" or "pardon me". Really? Seriously?

My question is, what has happened within the last decade that people just don't care anymore? Why are parents neglecting to teach their children the rules of common courtesy and proper etiquette? Is it just me? Am I old-fashioned? I'm just shy of a generation older than most of these younger people I, what in the heck has happened in such a short amount of time?

Don't get me wrong. I love listening to my iPod and listening to my jams, but I shouldn't be forced to in efforts to drown out the vulgarity I hear from these youngsters' mouths. It's a shame when the volume level from their "conversations" are competing with my electronic device, which I have to hold close to make sure one of them doesn't try to swipe in the first place.

I'm tired of getting shoved in the ovary or knocked in the back of the head with an oversized backpack because some rude child can't say "excuse me". I do love children (even though it may not sound like it), but I'm just sayin'...


  1. This is why I hate it when I'm scheduled to work @ 4pm, I can't stand high school students. This one day these hs boys came and sat around me, and I tried to ignore them by REALLY concentrating on my book, and then they started to say I was sleeping, which was really fucking annoying because I DONT sleep on the bus. So I told them I was reading a book, and then explained what reading and books were in a VERY condescending tone. Stupid kids

  2. LOL, I love it! I mean, what is really going on with these kids? More like, what is going on with the parents that their kids act in this manner?!?! *sigh*

  3. Iya,

    As one who grew up in the late 1960s when most of America was rebelling against something, I mean something that really mattered, I relate to what you are saying.

    What I find most difficult to deal with is that all of the anger today seems wasted. I mean what is the purpose and goal?

    I have heard this question asked of today's generation and most are unable to articulate it is about. The music is angry and vulgar, but at the same time, child like and cowardly.

    I should probably stop before I say something that will anger your bloggers so, there, I'll end my rant.


  4. I agree with you Tony, thank you for your thoughts! :)
