Friday, August 13, 2010

Dust Your Shoulders Off Michelle & Sasha

Recent articles (this is just one example of many) reported First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughter Sasha are the subjects of negative discussion among Conservatives and other skeptics for vacationing in Spain.

I have to admit, I'm scratching my head on this one. I have to it just me or is this is not an issue? What's the problem?

A few weeks ago, I saw MY President (yes, I said MY and I didn't stutter, but I should say OUR) on "The View" where he mentioned Michelle and Sasha were on vacation, while Malia is away at camp. So, again I ask...what's the problem?

I'm really trying to understand the argument presented here. Was the trip too lavish? Do people think the Obamas' are snobby? From what I've read, some would say yes to both statements. But, as my dear friend from childhood Steven Q. Urkel would eloquently say, "Allow me to quote the 25th letter of the alphabet...Y?"

Since when is it a crime to take your child and company on a vacation outside of the country? Some argue it's not the most frugal choice, especially in lieu of the state of the economy. Whatevs...

The First Lady's been clocked for vacationing eight times this summer.

Here's what I have to say...are you ready?


Don't you think there are other and more important matters that need more attention than where the Obamas' choose to vacation? I can't speak for Michelle, but I don't think she thinks she or her family are better than anyone else. What's wrong with a vacay outside of the country? I plan to travel to Nigeria in 2011, does that mean I'm stuck-up?

I've really tried to read several articles on this topic to read ALL points of view, but the more I read, I become more and more irritated.

I must be missing something...